Are you looking for an opportunity to expand your professional network while also learning something new? Look no further than the Chamber of Commerce! Join them for a lunch and learn followed by a networking activity.
The business of history involves the preservation and perseverance of the past for the benefit of current and future generations. Historians, archivists, and museums play crucial roles in safeguarding historical documents, artifacts, and sites to ensure that valuable information and cultural heritage are not lost over time
After the presentation concludes, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a networking activity. This is a chance to meet and mingle with fellow professionals in a relaxed, informal setting. You never know who you might meet at these events – they could lead to new business opportunities, partnerships, or even friendships!
If you’re looking for a way to build your professional network while also learning something new, join us!
$20 for Members
$50 for Future Members