(Fredericksburg, VA) February 20, 2024 – The City of Fredericksburg Clean and Green Commission is announcing the kick-off for the 2024 Sustainability Award. The Commission will be accepting applications until March 31st, 2024. The annual Sustainability Award provides recognition for city businesses who are implementing environmentally sustainable practices. The Sustainability Award is unique in that any business who applies for and meets the award criteria will be recognized.

This year, the award will require participating businesses to agree to implement nine sustainable practices in their business operations, increasing from seven practices that were required in 2023. Examples of such practices include:

  • Eliminating single-use items (including plastic and styrofoam)
  • Eliminating the use of plastic bags
  • Sourcing food locally
  • Providing customers incentives, such as a discount, to bring their own containers
  • Transitioning to energy efficient lighting
  • Replacing HVAC systems with more energy-efficient models
  • Implementing a recycling program
  • Composting food scraps
  • Providing vegetarian menu options
  • Using US EPA-recognized safer chemical cleaning products

“This annual award highlights for the community and customers the sustainable practices our local businesses are pursuing and implementing,” said Robert Courtnage, Chairman of the Sustainability Committee of the Clean and Green Commission. “This program is doing exactly what we intended it to do, which is to incentivize local businesses to be environmentally sustainable and for their actions to be replicated by other local businesses.”

“The Sustainability Award aligns with the Fredericksburg City government’s larger, Clean and Green initiatives, such as striving to meet City Council’s 2019 Renewable Energy Resolution, which endeavors to transition City government operations to renewable energy by 2035 and the Fredericksburg community at large by 2050,” said Sarah Hurst, of the Clean and Green Commission’s Sustainability Committee.

2024 awardees will be provided a storefront sticker for customers to see, celebrated on social media, and be invited to be recognized by the Fredericksburg City Mayor at a Fredericksburg City Council meeting.

To apply for the 2024 Sustainability Award, visit: www.cleanandgreenfxbg.com/sustainabilityaward

For more information, contact Sarah Hurst at [email protected] or Robert Courtnage at [email protected]
