Workforce NOW Workshop: Business Strategies for Excelling with an Intern/Apprenticeship Program

Workforce NOW Workshop: Business Strategies for Excelling with an Intern/Apprenticeship Program


Apr 25    
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce
1701 Fall Hill Ave, Suite 106, Fredericksburg, VA, 22401

Event Type


Workforce NOW Workshop
Business Strategies for Excelling with an Intern/Apprenticeship Program

Topics to include

 Financial Benefits (VTOP)

Growth for the Company

Strategies for starting, retaining, and recognizing a great internship program.

Success Stories

Kelly Roth, Matern Staffing
Rebecca Morris, Germanna Community College
Leslie Barton, Arete Consulting LLC

Lunch Provided By: Career & Tech.Center Catering Students @ Courtland High School
