Nonprofit Spotlight

A Father’s Legacy

The Vision of A Father’s Legacy is to promote responsible fatherhood at the root through early engagement with support, care, and encouragement. We recognize that engaged fathers cultivate intentionality essential to their children’s growth. The mission of the program is to address fatherhood among adolescent dads between the ages of 15 and 21 in our community by providing training, resources, and information to help them navigate adolescence, school, and fathering. Read on to learn how you can get involved and help A Father’s Legacy with their mission. You can learn more about this nonprofit at

Q- When was your organization started?

A- Father’s Legacy was established on April 4, 2023.

Q- Can you tell us a little bit about why you started this organization and what the goals are?

A- My journey to recognize fatherlessness as an issue in the community began with several student encounters. As a mentor, I frequently hear stories about family dynamics, high schoolers’ academic and athletic goals, and career aspirations. However, one constant in casual conversations with mentees is the pressure to conform to the stereotype of becoming a “man.”  I also substitute teach, and on my very first day on the job, a middle school student launched into a tirade of profanity towards me; I later learned he was being raised by his grandmother. The student’s behavior was a cry for help, structure, discipline, and a routine life. On another day of sub-teaching, students wrote about their summer plans, hoping to spend time with their fathers. Finally, while substitute teaching at an elementary school, a student without warning embraced me, looked me in my eyes, and said, “I love you.” This heartfelt gesture made me think about the importance of having a male role model or father figure in one’s life. After reflecting on those student encounters, a call to action became apparent to address the gap of absentee fathers. I believe that a fatherhood initiative was needed to bridge that gap and I envisioned the best place to start addressing this gap is with the same age that I mentored. This age group (15 – 21) would begin the process of reducing intergenerational fatherlessness, poverty, and disparities. Hence, “A Father’s Legacy” was conceived to raise awareness of fatherlessness and create a nurturing environment focused on healthy relationships, responsible parenting, and economic and financial literacy, for these young men.

Q- Where can people find your services/do they have to be recommended?

A- Our services can be found on our website: The website will allow visitors to enroll or volunteer.

Q- How can the business community support you? Do you have an urgent need?

A- The business community can support our start-up non-profit in the following ways:

  • Donations or corporate giving
  • Sponsorship
  • Volunteers
  • Be a connector, share publicly, and spread the word
  • Employment opportunities for future participants

Q- Do you collaborate with any other nonprofit organizations, businesses, schools or policymakers?

A- Yes

  • I am in collaboration with the following non-profits: A Father’s Place in Prince George County: A Few Good MENtors:
  • I have partnered with Fredericksburg and Stafford Public Schools
  • I have partnered with Walmart Spark Good Local Grants, Spotsylvania Mall for marketing, and the Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region
  • I have connected with:
    • City of Fredericksburg Department of Social Services
    • Choice Women Center, Southpointe
    • Healthy Families Rappahannock Area
    • Rappahannock Area Office on Youth
    • North Star Early Childhood
    • Rising Star Early Childhood